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May 17, 2021

Three had taken us to a local bar for some drinks. The information he dropped on us after that...well let's just say it wasn't encouraging.


- W

May 2, 2021

After a long and harrowing case a simple delivery is exactly what we needed. And I heard the train has a nice bar car too...

Apr 18, 2021

A simple mission: find and return a scroll to a councilman. A city-block-sized fire, a showdown with a dead man, a horrifying art expo, and a looming gang war later and here we are - ready to finally turn that scroll the mob. This can only end well.


Apr 4, 2021

Drugs, gang wars, weapons of mass destruction. What is this city coming to? Someone needs to step up and do something before this city tears itself apart. I don't know if that person is me, or Witz, or even the two of us together, but it's becoming increasingly clear that no one else is going to lift a finger to do...

Mar 21, 2021

I've seen some horrible, twisted shit in my day. The memories of my time in the war haunt me to this day, and there have been times in my career as an investigator that would give anything I saw in the war a run for its money. But what we were about to walk in to...there was no preparation for that horror.

- W